Tupperware and Connecting to the Universe

Tupperware Midgets with shaker tops.

Saturday morning while getting ready to go to an  Artisans for Alzheimer’s Fundraising event, I noticed the Tupperware midget filled with cornstarch in my vanity drawer that I keep on hand in case Dave cuts himself shaving.  Since having his cardio surgery last year, he has been on blood thinners to keep his vessels clear and a little nick on the chin can bleed for a while.  Judging by the spots that appear on my towels each week, I doubted that he’s been using the stuff.  I wondered if I could find a container that would be easier to use, perhaps the same container with a different top, maybe with a little shaker that had a flip top cover on it like the old Tupperware salt shakers; that might do the trick.  Seconds later something else caught my eye and my thoughts rolled on.

It was a miserable day; more “camping” weather.  The event was held outside on the lawn of the local retirement community and given the rain, was poorly attended.  A handful of hearty vendors were there representing a variety of wares and among them was a Tupperware lady.  At her booth, this enterprising woman had bins of odds and ends pieces of Tupperware that could be purchased at a reduced price.  It was in the first bin I looked into that I found my midget with a little shaker  and flip top cover on it just like the old Tupperware salt shakers!  I was so tickled that something I had envisioned just a couple of hours earlier was now sitting in my hand that I happily gave her my money.  I didn’t buy anything else that morning, but came home like I’d won the lottery.

This isn’t the first time this sort of thing has happened to me.  The first time I say my husband, Dave walking down the street I knew he was “the one”.  I didn’t even know him at the time.  (Crazy hijinks ensued, but that’s another story.)  Many times I’ll think of someone and they’ll phone me, or I’ll call someone and they’ll say they were just thinking of me.   I don’t know if this makes me special or gifted, I guess I always figured other people had these things happen to them too.

I used to think these episodes of pre-cognition were simply coincidence, but in too many cases, what I see in my mind is so exactly what I will see later that I’m not so convinced anymore.  Some may look at this event and consider my little piece of Tupperware as an answer to a prayer but I am beginning to think it’s the idea that gets planted that makes me open to considering what I really need.  In short, I didn’t ask for the Tupperware, the idea of the specific answer to what I needed was somehow imbedded in my brain to make me aware of what I needed when I saw it.

Where do these ideas come from?  I couldn’t tell you for sure.  Sometimes I wonder if it’s my guardian angel, or one of my relatives or friends who has passed but still looking out for me.  It could be anyone; it could even be God, although I doubt God, even with omnipotent power, has time to worry about the best type of container my corn starch should be kept in.  But somehow, in some mysterious way, I believe we, or at least I am connected to an unseen part of existence that provides assistance from time to time.

It’s very comforting to believe that even though loved ones have passed, they are still with us.  At times I wish I knew who was helping me, so I could direct my thanks in the appropriately.  Since I don’t, all thanks go to God; the creator of everything, who has connected us all in such a marvelous mysterious manner.

I’ve always like the Star Wars’ image of The Force as an analogy for the spiritual connection in our world.  Our spirit, or force is connected to each and everyone other living thing, past, present and future.  Science teaches us that the Universe is built of atoms and micro particles that join in intricate ways to build stuff.  Carl Sagan said we were all built of this star stuff.

I believe that when our bodies die and our spirit is released, this stuff is returned to the earth and therefore the universe.  The spirit remains alive, just in another form.  What that form is, no one can say for sure.  Even the most learned and devout can only provide conjecture.  We only know through our faith.

Who knows when the next seed will be planted for where it will take me.  One thing I know for sure, each time I experience one, they lead me to a treasure.

One Reply to “Tupperware and Connecting to the Universe”

  1. I had a similar feeling when I was writing my blog for this week Monica. It wasn’t there, it wasn’t there and then it was. Too many things came together at just the right time I can’t help but think it was “meant to be” for a specific reason.

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