Another Day in the Life

I know it’s not an original thought, but you really never do know where a day will take you when you wake up. Yesterday for instance, after my first cup of coffee I went up to my office to write about my upcoming birthday and what my life is like as I enter my 60th year on the planet. I gave my mother a call to chat and as I was filling my coffee cup for the second time, the home phone rang. It was Dave, calling to tell me he wasn’t feeling good and was going to call the cardiologist and then head to the ER. I said goodbye to my mother and made for the stairs to get myself dressed pronto.

Twenty minutes or so later I was sitting by Dave’s bedside in Room #2 at our local ER, dressed in his suit pants, dress shoes and hospital gown and attached to the usual wires and tubes required to monitor his heart and lung functions.

He was very annoyed. Just a few weeks ago at his last appointment with his cardiologist, she gave him the thumbs up and they discussed lowering some of his medications. Hopeful to continue his life with no further complications, this new cardiac event has really shaken him. Here we go again.

As I sat by his bedside, keeping my watch as he attempted to rest; he didn’t sleep well last night; I couldn’t help but peek at the numbers representing his vitals. Even with my little medical knowledge, I could tell his blood pressure was a bit high.

Eventually the attending physician popped his head in to let us know that his blood enzyme tests were normal so far (which let us know that so far there was no sign of a heart attack) and the EKG looked good but his cardiologist wanted him transferred to the main hospital for continued observation and testing. That wasn’t really what he wanted to hear, but what I expected.

A couple of hours later we were sitting in matching chairs in his hospital room watching “The Great and Powerful Oz” on my iPad. The long wires connected to a large monitor screen had been replaced by a portable transmitter to the nurses’ station so aside from the hospital gown and suit pants, we were pretty much the same as we are at home, spending a quiet afternoon together.

I left soon after dinner to head home, call the kids and the few friends and family members who knew what was going on to fill them in on the events of the day. After all notifications were made, I settled into my chair with Izzie and Purrl close by and watched television until my weariness turned to sleepiness and I was ready for bed.

This morning I woke up alone, not the way I would have chosen to begin my 60th year, or any other year.

It’s funny how as the years roll by, I don’t really internalize how my age is advancing; the numbers don’t really have a meaning. Life just seems like it’s going to stretch on forever; until something like yesterday’s events happen and I know they won’t.

I would have ended my story right there, but I think it sounds a bit sad, and I’m not. Dave is well and has excellent medical care. The outlook is good and I think in honor of my birthday, I’m going to stay out of the kitchen. As for tomorrow, in the words of Scarlette O’Hara, “Tomorrow is another day.”

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