Chilling with Izzie

Today is a bonafide gorgeous day.  I am feeling just a bit under the weather; trying to get the better of a cold that is trying to get the better of me.  My workout this morning with Lorenzo was tough, but not as much of a struggle as it was to just get up and get going out the door.

When I got home from the gym, Izzie was waiting for me at the door.  Sounds cute, except she wasn’t waiting at the door I was entering – she was by the back door waiting to go out.  Lately she’s shown signs that her fur is being rubbed the wrong way by having Purrl around.  I think she was under the impression that the kitten was merely visiting and in Izzie’s mind has long outstayed her welcome.  I decided to go out with Izzie and spend a little quality time with her.  As I headed out on the lawn behind her, she turned and flopped down on the grass in front of me.  I sat next to her and began to pet her.  Soon I was totally sprawled on the grass, just like Izzie, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the view of the sky.

I was a little concerned that one of my neighbors might catch a glimpse of me and worry that I’d taken a fall or just plain croaked in my yard, but not enough to jump up.  I made sure I moved occasionally, just enough to let an on-looker know that I was on the ground by choice.  I wish I’d had my camera, to take some shots of the yard from Izzie’s perspective.  Together we watched some leaves fall and a tufted titmouse land on the feeder.  Then Izzie spotted something in the distance and was off to the woods.

I decided I’d better get up before the paramedics arrived.  Next time, I will grab the camera when I go out.  It’s an experience too good not to share.

One Reply to “Chilling with Izzie”

  1. Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. Hope that time in the sun improved things for you. Guess we’ll be seeing photos from Izzie perspective soon–sounds like a good blog article.

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