Feverishly Spring

daffodilsIt appears as though winter is gone for good; at least for this part of the year.  In the past several weeks the drab, bleak world that was my winter lawn has awaken with the deep greens of the lawn, the bright yellow blooms of my daffodils, the white blossoms on my dogwood and most recently the pink buds on the azaleas. The air is full of the chorus of birds as they sing a refrain of joy and thanksgiving.  Our winter visitors, the junkos have moved on and the hummingbirds have returned.  A pair of robins have taken over the nest built by the house finches last spring and I’ve spied two blue eggs in the bottom.  Meanwhile a male flicker has decided to proclaim his territory by thrumming a beat on my gutters every morning.  Together with the goldfinches, blue birds, blue jays, cardinals, orioles, chickadees, titmice, red-winged blackbirds, purple grackles, they provide a lively show on the mornings I take the time to have my coffee on the deck.  It is such a contrast to the cold, silent white scenes that dominated the winter months.

Like the yard, my calendar has begun to bloom with what I choose to call “opportunities”.  I have recently resolved to view the many meetings, activities and obligations as opportunities to make a difference in the world; even if it is only by offering a smile or kind word.  Life it too short to be weighed down by negativity.  So, at least for now, I choose to look at the many scribbles on my calendar as a good thing and not as a heavy load.  It only becomes heavy if I allow it to feel that way.

So happy spring to one and all!  May your hearts be light and your calendars full of opportunities!



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