Activity Review

The past few weeks have flown.  My “few” volunteer activities seem to have all geered up for the fall and I am happily finding myself busy again.  I feel well-rested from my year off and am enjoying the increased activity.  Sadly it doesn’t allow much time to sit and write, so in brief, here are a few of the things I’ve been up to:

1.  Helping to reorganize the Parish Hall.  My buddies and I have spent on average one long morning a week focusing on cleaning areas of the hall that have been long overlooked.  We’ve shifted furnishings, washed windows and floors and have generally tried to transform the entry area into a homey, welcoming area where folks can sit and have coffee together after Mass on Sundays.  Now the cleaning is out of the way, we are concentrating on paint colors and decorating.

2. Knitting with Gail. Last November I started meeting one afternoon a week with a lady from church who had begun knitting a sweater for her daughter in law about a year earlier with the help of a local yarn shop owner.  Sadly the shop closed and Gail was left with a bag full of pricey yarn and a half completed sweater back.  We met for several Monday afternoons to work on her project until her husband suffered a series of medical issues and she became housebound.  Almost the whole summer passed until she called to see if we could begin meeting again.  So, one evening a week, I go to Gail’s and we knit.  In the past few weeks she’s completed all but the last sleeve and best of all, her husband has graduated from Hospice to Continuing Care.

3. Working with the Greene County Habitat for Humanity Steering Committee.  Way back in May, Dave and I signed up to volunteer with HFH and not long afterwards I began meeting with the Vista volunteer assigned to our local group to brainstorm and start to discern where I could fit into the program.  After some consideration, I decided to join the Steering Committee as the Record Keeper.  A few weeks ago, Dave and I worked our first event; a spaghetti dinner fundraiser at a tiny country church.   We sat at the ticket table schmoozing eight dollars a plate from our patrons.  It was great fun.

4.Working out at the gym.  Yes, I continue to let Lorenzo call the shots in the gym.  I am still amazed at what I’ve accomplished over these past ten months and what I will push myself to do to see him smile!  Never in my life would I have imagined myself feeling so comfortable in a gym, confidently using the machines and lifting weights.  Whenever it really hurts, I tell myself that I’m in physical therapy and it has to be done.  The pain doesn’t go away,but I feel more determined to complete my task.

5. Volunteering with Organizing for America.   Through a series of unrelated events, I was invited to volunteer with the Greene County organization to help re-elect the President.  Last November was the first election I hadn’t worked in almost ten years.  As weird as it sounds, I missed not getting up at o’dark hundred and working the polls.  My offer to work here in Greene County wasn’t taken, so I am working with OFA to help register voters.  I also answer the phone at the campaign office for two hours on Monday afternoon.  The last election I worked was in 1972 so the technology has changed but one thing that hasn’t is the excitement and dedication of the youth – the big change is thatIam no longer one of them!

6. Playing with friends. At least one day a week I play with my friends.  Friday afternoons I usually spend exploring with Angela.  At first she helped my get my berrings by taking me around to different shopping areas and local eateries.  Now we choose from a variety of destinations for lunch and shopping.  She has done such a good job at acclimating me to the greater Charlottesville area that I have now become the “old-timer” showing newer transplants around.  This all makes for a great deal of lunches out and laughing, it’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it!

So, these are a few of the things I’ve been up to.  Each of these activities have led to others as my circle of friends grows.  Greene County is so small that I run into many of the same people in more than one venue.  All of this has given me a real sense of belonging here in my newish home.  My roots have taken hold and are thriving.  I just need to put a bit of self discipline in place and get back to regular writing.

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