A Day of Journeying

This morning as I was drinking my coffee, listening to Into the Woods, my thoughts drifting along with the music, I realized yesterday was a day of journeys for me, highlighted by where I’ve been, where I am and where I’m going.  How is it that a day can be so randomly constructed?

Where I’ve Been… Journal Journeying – After months of putting it off, I finally cracked open the journal I kept during our trip to the UK in 2010 to do what I’ve been saying I would do for more than a year – transcribe the data and capture images from the Internet to replace the photos we didn’t get to take after our camera broke.  I only got through the first two days and already have four typed pages with photos added.  My plan was to get the whole thing transcribed and give it to Dave as a gift.  I’m finding my fatigue played a big part in my writing ability on the road, so editing is needed but the rough story is there and I’m enjoying the look back and searching for pictures on the web.

Where I am….Content to Be…  I went on an errand run all myself.  This was special because I get so little alone time since Andy moved back in.  While he’s not intentionally intrusive or disrespectful of my space, he’s just here.  I guess I’ve become accustomed to having the house to myself during the day. And, since he’s always up for an adventure, it’s been easy to get him to come along when I go somewhere, so I don’t have tobe alone.  My concern has been that I will become dependent on the company and fall back into old habits that make me fearful of venturing out the door by myself.  So, I made a short trip to the Mall, stopped by Lowe’s for paint samples and then popped into Kroger for some groceries.  It was as exciting as a trip to the UK, but it was important in maintaining my independence.

Where I’m going….on to the Unknown Known…..Early in quiet of the morning I made the first steps into a self-assessment program called “Life-Keys”.  With my friend Deb leading me, this journey will be to help me sort out what I can do from what I love to do, to discern my God given gifts which give me energy from the skills I’ve learned that drain me.  At the end fo this journey I’m hoping to have a better sense of direction so I can choose what I want to do with the rest of my life opposed to just reacting to what comes my way.

So, is it just a coincidence that I’ve connected these three journeys from one day or am I like the fellow in “A Beautiful Mind”, finding meaning in totally unrelated events?  I’d like to think there is a plan.  In the next few weeks I hope to make more connections, finding the key pieces to the puzzle that is me.


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