Being Lazy

cursillo-chickenThis morning I treated myself to something I haven’t done in so many years that I can’t even remember; I lazed in my bed for over an hour just dozing in and out and thinking.  It was amazing!

Usually, I’m up-and-at-em within half an hour of my usual time on Saturday mornings.  But I had a late night last night, playing hostess while our parish Cursillo as we hosted the March Ultreya.  Our tiny hall was filled to the max and I, with my helpers,was on my feet for most of the evening,  insuring that every little detail was running smoothly.  Four hours on my feet is a long time so by the time we turned out the lights my back was screaming for relief.  When I got home I took two Advil and changed into my pajamas.

I took me some time to wind down.  Usually I head up the stairs with Dave but last night I needed another hour to let my mind relax from the stimulation of meeting and greeting so many faces and the busy-ness of keeping everyone comfortable.  So, I worked on my jigsaw puzzles for a while with the Property Brothers on in the background until about midnight.  As I finally headed off to bed, I vowed that I would do nothing the following day but be lazy with the exception of running to Foodlion to pick up a quart of half-n-half that we borrowed from the church pantry last night and run it over to the hall.

When I awoke this morning, Dave was dressed and ready for the gym.  I smiled as he kissed me and left but made no move to get up myself.  Instead, I let my mind wander over the events of the night before as well as some unresolved thoughts in my mind.  I wasn’t in pain nor was I tired.  I was just being me, enjoying the warmth of my bed as the early morning light greeted me.  In my mind I began to plan to write about this extraordinary experience, of  being lazy in my bed and just how good it felt.

After a while, my younger cat, Purrl jumped on the bed, sniffed my hand and then took her post on Dave’s nightstand.  It was as if she needed reassurance that I was okay.  We stayed that way for a long while, me under the covers, Purrl standing watch until I finally decided it was time to get myself up.

Fast forward a couple of hours and here I am, fed, showed but not dressed, finishing my blog about being lazy.  In a few minutes, after I finish, I will dry my hair, get dressed and continue my goal for the day, to do nothing, after I get the half-n-half and run it over to the hall.

Thanks be to God for a day like this, to recharge after a string of full ones!

2 Replies to “Being Lazy”

  1. Hi Monica,

    I enjoyed your lazy day musings. You have to try my lazy weekend routine.
    Friday after work I get home and line up a night of movies, stay on the couch till the static on the TV wakes me up, usually around two AM. then I crawl into bed and sleep until my cat Shadow licks my hand. Then lay in bed until I get hungry or have to answer natures call. Saturday mornings have premier league soccer which I watch till afternoon at which time an American sport starts, of which I watch till dinner. Then its time to read, a good book takes me right till Sunday night bedtime. Boy am I ready for work come Monday morning.


    1. Hi Jim,
      Nice to hear from you. I hope what you’ve described is a random weekend and not the norm. You’re too social a guy to stay holed up somewhere. Remember, you shouldn’t try to hide your light under a barrel! Also, if your calendar is that open, you should take a drive down here for a visit! If you get too bored, we have many sports channels! (LOL)

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